It’s January, which means many of us are taking a hard look at our routines and feeling ready to start new active regimens. We turned to Dia Stylists and community members to learn what everyone’s favorite ways to stay active are—read on to see what they shared. Who knows? You just might discover an activity that is the perfect fit for you!

Finding Your Flow
“I love deep water aerobics. It works on core, balance, and cardio. I love that you are your own resistance and it’s easy on the joints.”
– Dia Stylist Karrie L.
“Yoga has been my saving grace. After being diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year, it is the only thing that allows me to keep up my physical health and feel as though I really did something. It’s nice to melt the day away and just breathe. Bonus: I can almost stand on my head!”
– Dia Stylist Jalakia F.
“While I recently discovered my love of running, I like to balance it with regular yoga classes. Because I work sitting at a desk, hunched over a computer all day, it’s important that I get in some back bends to reverse that hunch. I always leave yoga feeling like my posture is so much better and my mind is so much clearer. It also really takes away any minor aches and pains.”
– Dia Stylist Ashby

Exploring Outside
“I’ve started doing a fair bit of hiking. It’s a nice way to spend some time away from everything and connect with my dogs and nature. I can challenge myself as much as I feel capable of that day, I get to find new and interesting places to explore. Hiking just really helps me feel centered.”
– Dia&Co Customer Rachael W.
“I like to go for a walk, jog, run, or any combination of the three. I love getting outside in the fresh air in time to watch the sunset or while the moon is overhead. Breathing deeply and taking in my surroundings is so calming, whether that means I get to listen to the birds, a train in the distance, or see the gorgeous colors of the sky. Whether it’s for just 30 minutes or for much longer, there’s nothing quite like it. It gives me a sense of complete renewal.”
– Dia Stylist Danille B.

Getting Into Your Groove
“I’m stepping up my activity at this point in my life and I’ve found that a balance between structure and fun is working for me. I’m doing 2 days with my personal trainer and 3 days of Zumba. I’ve honestly fallen in love with both.”
– Dia&Co Customer Terri S.
“I fell in love with dance classes two years ago when I was searching for fun ways to stay active without feeling like I was actually exercising. I would often fumble while trying to keep up but each time I remembered that I was just there to enjoy myself. I have always been awful at coordinated dance moves but there is something so fulfilling about learning choreography and giving it what you’ve got! By the end of each class, I would find myself laughing and enjoying the process. Dancing has absolutely become my favorite activity and this year I’m excited to test out new genres. I won’t be giving Beyonce a run for her money anytime soon, but who says I can’t try?!”
– Dia&Co Community Manager Lauren B.

Taking It Up A Notch
“My go-to is cycling classes. The music is upbeat and keeps me motivated. The instructors always make me feel positive about myself and what I’m accomplishing. I can set my own pace, but I feel empowered to challenge myself.”
– Dia Stylist Susan T.
“I started boxing in November and it’s the best thing I have ever done for myself! It makes me feel strong and like a total bad ass!”
– Dia Stylist Evian R.
“I absolutely love squats. I come from a family of bottom-heavy queens, so just knowing that my booty could get even bigger and more toned with more squats gives me the motivation I need to keep them going!”
– Dia Stylist EpahneeSo T.
“I’m currently training for the Tough Mudder with my husband and brothers-in-law. I find that if I have a really challenging goal I’m working towards, like a race or an obstacle course, I tend to train harder. I also have been enjoying having training buddies and the camaraderie that comes from exercising with others.”
– Dia Stylist Priscilla K.
What’s your favorite way to stay active? Do you like to look for a challenge or prefer an activity that’s so fun you don’t realize how hard you’re working? Whatever it is, make sure to snap a photo and post it on Instagram with #FitToThrive so we can see and admire how hard you’re working to stay active!