An Old-School Diner
It’s a fact: the diner has staying power and there are so many to discover all over the country! Fuel up with an early breakfast at one in your hometown or discover your new favorite gem while taking a lunch break. Call ahead to see if they’re open for indoor dining. If you’re lucky enough to find one with great decor, you’ll have endless Instagram moments.

A Drive-In Movie Theatre
The first drive-in opened in 1933 as a more comfortable alternative to a regular movie theatre, and one where kids could be as loud as they wanted without distracting other movie goers. Drive-ins are having a serious comeback now that mandated COVID-19 closures have affected most movie theatres around the country. Never been to one? Grab some popcorn and find one nearby. Now’s the time.

A Secret Swimming Hole
If you can’t sip a cocktail poolside this summer, cool off the way Mother Nature intended. Sometimes hard to find, but well worth the effort, some of the most beautiful fresh water spots are off the grid. For the less adventurous, head to your State Park (but call before you go to ensure they’re open) and take a dip. See a comprehensive list here and pin drop one that’s close to you.

The Scenic Stop
Whether you’re inspired by beaches, mountains or canyons, America has no shortage of scenic views to stop and take in while you’re on the road. Plan your trip around one, or just get lucky enough to stumble upon one. Either way, it’s sure to change your perspective.

The Roadside Attraction
From the World’s largest lobster to a towering neon soda bottle, American kitsch is alive and well. Atlas Obscura is our definitive guide for everything odd-ball in the United States and beyond. It’s the source for offbeat stops (many are free) and hyper-specific museums (a visit to the Hammer Museum in Haines, Alaska, anyone?). Most are family-friendly, all are totally weird.
Ready to get packing? Check out our Summer Essentials shop for everything you need to stow in your suitcase right now.