Remember early in the pandemic a meme went around “check on your friends who used to have multiple locations in their IG bios.” I am that friend.
Instead of traveling, I’ve spent the past year having many solo dance parties, investing in disco balls, and pining after celebrities (this isn’t new for me). Did you know Henry Cavill’s thighs were so muscular they would rip his pants while filming The Witcher? Anyway, I miss traveling because traveling is also how I date. The first date I ever went on happened while studying abroad in Madagascar. When and my fat ass broke his scooter, he was in love! That trip ended with a make-out session with a volleyball player for Mauritius’ national team. Being fat was seen as an attractive quality, a first for me, in Madagascar, and ever since then, most of my flings and random make-outs have happened in other cities or countries. After all, fat girl sex can happen anywhere and the freedom of being on vacation always gives me a confidence boost.
As a plus-size woman, it feels extra fun to travel, date, have sex and do whatever I want because those are all things we are supposed to be ashamed to do at our size. It really is that main character lifestyle! If you are like me lusting to travel here are my tips to date and travel at the same time because you are sexy and deserve some vacation love. You are Stella and this is how you get your groove back after a year of binging TV and eating bags of shredded cheese. After all, fat girl sex can happen anywhere and the freedom of being on vacation always gives me a confidence boost.
Your traveler charm can go extra far in countries where being fat is valued so watch out for marriage proposals.
1. Be Prepared To Travel While Fat So You Can Be Confident & Comfortable- Traveling while fat requires prep, especially if you travel abroad. Being comfortable on your trip will be the first key to dating so that you’re able to enjoy yourself instead of treating your chub rub blister. These things are always part of my checklist for traveling
- Chafing cream or stick – I always bring extra plus some shorts for activities—for the chafing cream might not be enough.
- Extra underwear – Trust me.
- Seat belt extender – You can ask any airline for one for free or carry your own with you.
- Outfits that make you feel HOT – But are appropriate within the city or country’s cultural context. When I first started traveling I prioritized practicality vs. outfits I actually liked and felt cute in. Mistake. Depending on where you visit, you might be the first plus-size person they see dressed boldly and that can have a fun effect.
- A towel – Because we’ve all been in a hotel having to use a “towel” that covers ⅓ of our body.
- A great plus-size swimsuit – Vacation is just more fun when you feel good in your swimsuit.
- Research – Because some activities have weight limits and or if you’re traveling with people who are more mobile than you, it’s great to have planned backup activities. Oh also, if you’re planning on using public transportation, look that up before.
Ok now that that’s out of the way—the fun stuff!

2. Use That Traveler Charm – Whether you’re on a road trip three hours away or another country, local people will be enamored with you. I think this can be especially true if you are a plus-size person living your life to the fullest. If people in Texas and France can find my Midwestern accent alluring then anything is possible. Your traveler charm can go extra far in countries where being fat is valued so watch out for marriage proposals.
3. Do Things That Are Fun To You – Okay, maybe this one seems obvious, but do things that bring you joy. This might be a hike, sitting in a cafe, a guided tour, local museums, etc. When you’re doing things you enjoy people will see you living your best life and be HOT for it. On a solo trip to Oahu, I made three new friends on a sunrise hike and ended up spending the day with them. On another trip, my friend and I were working in a cafe and a man came up to her and was like, “you are really beautiful, I hope you don’t mind that I drew you.” They dated for the remainder of the trip!
My pro tip is to pay for the premium version of the [dating] app a few weeks before your trip.

4. Use Dating Apps – Yes, most of us do not like them, but they are great for traveling when you know you want to go on some dates or have a fling. My pro tip is to pay for the premium version of the app a few weeks before your trip so you can swipe in that city or cities and line up some potential dates before you get there. Do not give these strangers too much info though unless your dad is Liam Neeson in Taken and even then, does not seem worth it.
5. Leverage Your Local Network – If you know people where you’re going tell them you’re interested in meeting someone. If you don’t know anyone then consider staying at a fun hostel or hotel. Or maybe go to an adults-only resort?? Hubba hubba!
Most importantly take care of yourself. If you’ve horned yourself up over days or weeks of trying to get a travel fling going to no avail then take yourself on a date and then go back and vibe out—yea thats what I mean. Although, I do not advise this strategy in a shared hostel room. Taking care of yourself also includes being safe if you do end up on a date or having a fling. Have fun and be the main character.

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