When Dia Domino Laura Stanberry first posted in the Community Facebook group about how much she loves her legs, we knew immediately that we wanted to share her words far and wide. Keep scrolling to learn all about Laura’s infatuation with her gorgeous gams and get inspired to show your own body the admiration it deserves this season.

Dear Legs,
From an early age, I’ve been told how wonderful you are—and I must say I agree. I love everything about you. You are strong and hold me up. You tell me when it’s time to be still and when I need to keep on moving. You sweep me across a dance floor. You can run the distance when necessary but are content to kick up on the couch at the end of the day for a little Netflix-and-chill time. You have taken me many wonderful places in life—I think my favorite walk we ever took was on my wedding day when you escorted me to my husband.
In the summertime, I am reminded how shapely you are when I wear a sassy skirt or the perfect pair of shorts. Whenever I see a photograph where your shape is revealed, I stand in awe and once again hear those voices from my childhood saying, “My, what pretty legs you have!”

Legs, you are amazing. You are sexy. You are shapely. You have beautiful scars. You have dimples and cellulite. Some days I neglect loving you, but you don’t mind. You keep me going anyway. From the moment I rise until I settle down, you carry me. When I wear heels, your calves show off their full beauty. You may be short, but you are strong.
I’m learning that life is too short not to show you off every now and then, so I’ve started wearing dresses above my knees on occasion. I’m sure that the first day I put on shorts and set you free from the heat of hiding, you sang, “Hallelujah!”
Dear legs, let me say it loud and say it proud: I love you! You are wonderfully made.
Wonderfully yours,
Are you embracing your body in a new way this summer? Snap photos of you celebrating every inch and share them with us on social!