Back in 2017, we launched the first year of #DiaArmy and discovered how powerful it can be to see women leave their fears behind and fully embrace their bodies. When we started planning this year’s take, we knew we had to think bigger. So, we called on a few of our team members and organized a photoshoot. Our goal was both simple and complex at the same time: We wanted to show plus-size women unapologetically celebrating their bodies, even—and especially—the parts that society has told us we’re supposed to cover up.
Hear straight from the 5 women about how the experience felt and what they do to let go of their own body fears.

“It was so fun to be surrounded not only by plus-size women but women I consider my good friends. Actively choosing to surround myself with other plus-size women and staunch fat allies, particularly those who are further along on their body-positive journeys than I am, has been helpful in my view of myself.
Like anyone else, I have bad days where I view my body as a burden or ‘wrong’ in some way—sometimes bad months. If I can take the mean ways I used to talk to myself and shift that anger into aggressive love for myself, even if I don’t fully believe it at the time, the change in narrative is wildly helpful.”
Sydney H., Communications Manager

“Being on the set of the Dia Army shoot was liberating in many ways. Being able to free myself of any doubts about my body or ability while in front of a camera was something I will never forget. In the past, I have let go of body fears by remembering that my body does so much for myself and those around me each day. To not love it is a true disservice to myself and my abilities. When I have bad days, I will continue to remember this.”
Lauren B., Community Manager

“I know all of these women and have an amazing time with them no matter what we’re doing, but in this context, it was so nice to be so carefree on a photo set. I think all of us can say that, in one way or another, we felt really beautiful. There’s a lot of strength in seeing other women who look like you feeling so comfortable in their own skin.
I’ve had a really interesting journey of letting go of my body fears through tattoos, and slowly but surely, those fears have gotten smaller and smaller. In the future, I’m going to continue to surround myself with amazing people who inspire me—and keep getting the occasional tattoo of my own.”
Nikki B., Visual Designer

“It was truly inspiring to be surrounded by my friends/coworkers/fellow plus ladies (aka all of the above) who were unafraid to show off in front of the camera. Whatever fears or inhibitions I had disappeared as soon as I showed up.
In the past, I really struggled with worrying about showing too much skin, especially in the summer. I would suffer through summers wearing baggy sweatshirts as a teenager, worried what others would think of my body in anything else. Surrounding yourself with supportive, body-positive friends and community members is crucial to overcoming your fears and learning to love yourself and your body. I hope to continue to live out my summers fearlessly, wearing whatever I want, in hopes of inspiring other fabulous ladies to do the same.”
Becca G., Recruiter

“Getting my picture taken is super unheard of—I hardly ever take photos of myself unless they’re selfies. So, when posing for the camera, I was almost a completely different person. I felt like I had a purpose, to display to anyone reading that we are fat, we’re magic, and we’re capable of doing anything we put our minds to. In turn, I gave my regular self that same purpose, too. In the future, I’m definitely not going to just step out of my comfort zone—I’m going to cannonball into the comfort-zone pool.
Nix C., CX Associate
Ready to join the Dia Army? Snap a photo of you letting go of your body fears and share it with the Dia Community using #DiaArmy.